Planning Commission Meeting 8.17.21

The Lunenburg County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, August 17, 2021 beginning at 7:00 PM in the 2nd floor Courtroom; Lunenburg Courts Building, Lunenburg, VA 23952 for public input on the following:

Lunenburg Solar Facilities Ordinance amendments and revisions. A copy of the full text of the ordinance is available for review in the County Administration Office, 11413 Courthouse Road, Lunenburg, VA 23952, and on the Lunenburg County website (click here) pursuant to Virginia Code § 15.2-1427.

CUP-1-21 Conditional Use Permit for 6th Street Solar 2, LLC. / Erby Solar Project (Borrego Solar Systems Inc.), to construct and operate a utility scale solar array (3 MW) located on tax parcel 021-0A-0-39, 2188 Poorhouse Road, Victoria, VA 23974, consisting of 41.3 acres in an A-1 Agricultural zone.

CUP -5-20 Conditional Use Permit for Red Brick LLC., to construct and operate a utility scale solar array (130 MW) located on 19 individual parcels of property with tax parcel numbers as followed: 031-0A-0-33A, 031-0A-0-33B, 031-0A-0-33C, 031-0A-0- 33D, 032-0A-0-38, 032-0A-0-39, 032-0A-0-40, 032-0A-0-40A, 032-0A-0-40B, 043-01-0-1, 043- 01-0-2, 043-01-0-3, 043-01-0-4, 043-01-0-5, 043-01-0-6, 043-0A-0-27, 043-0A-0-28, 044-0A-0-1, and 044-0A-0-2. The parcels are located about 4 miles southwest of Victoria, on Highway 49 consisting of 2,510 acres in an A-1 Agricultural zone.

Will you come?